Friday, July 8, 2011

Play Dates!

Camille had two little play dates this past week (actually two or more weeks ago at his point), and they were so nice (for me!).  Camille isn't so great at playing with other babies, so we'll have to work on her social skills by getting out more for more play dates.

First we had a little boy, almost 1 year old, and his Mamma come to the house to play.  This little fella was adorable, was walking around, and was sweet sweet.  Nothing bothered him--he just walked around and played with the toys that were out without any complaints.  Camille didn't know what to do--she was a little jealous of his ability to walk.  She sort of yelled at him and chased him the whole time.  I can see her becoming very bossy in the future.  Yipes.  Anyway--it was nice for me to visit with his Mamma and get to chat and ask questions since Camille's getting closer and closer to one!  I have no idea how to progress to more solid foods and less baby food, so it was nice to learn!   Since then Camille has preferred being upright than crawling, and whines a lot to be picked up or held standing.  Hm...too bad Camille.  Tough love on that one--you're going to have to do it yourself, and I'm sure you will--way too soon.  Sadly, I didn't think to get pictures of the two of them.

Second, Camille's Aunt Lauren came to town, so we drove over to play with her cousin Claire and Aunt Hope!  This was entertaining for most of us, but Camille wasn't as impressed.  Camille cried and cried every time her cousin came near her or made a loud noise.  Claire's only a month older than Camille, but she was so sweet and soft with Camille--it was like she knew how to treat a baby!  She kissed Camille, tried to hold her hand, and even pet her head!  It was the sweetest thing I've ever seen--too bad Camille wasn't more excited.  Claire took Camille's spoon at one point and Camille went nuts!  She crawled back really quick to get it back from her and still cried.  Shewww--it was rough.  I think she was just tired--I really hope so at least.  She can't be that whiney!  We really need more play dates I think.  I hope people will want to have them with her after they see what a baby she is.  :)  Daycare will fix's going to make me so sad--I'm sure she'll hate it at first, but she's going to have to learn to play nice!
Claire gave Camille a kiss--could she be any sweeter?

Sweet Claire is petting Camille!

Hello cute ladies!

Unfortunately, Camille's not big on sharing.

So...who's up for a play date?  :)


  1. Girl, we are all over the playdate! Michael is the most laid back kiddo--it sounds like he and Camille would get on nicely. And I'm sure that she'll be fine. :)

  2. Aw--I wish y'all lived closer! Michael is such a cutie--I wish we could have a play date.
