Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Sad, But True

I have not been doing well with the blog.  I'm not working, Camille naps twice a day, and still I have blogged less than when I was at work.  Sad, sad, sad.

Good thing I got chosen to do this regularly for a website, huh?  Good grief.  I think I do more when I have less time, so when work starts I'll probably do the hospital's blog as well as my own personal one--and will still do work and be with my family.  I'm pretty sure I won't be cooking or cleaning like I should be though.    I mean, something's got to give!

The new house is lovely--we still have some things we haven't done.  We haven't hung up anything on the walls.  There's a pile of lovely paintings/pictures in the entryway waiting for us to get moving.  Meh.  B also has a few boxes in our office awaiting unpacking.  I believe they will end up in the attic at this rate.  Thank goodness for an attic.  Who knew how great that thing would be?  I love it!

We also have a great outdoor storage space, but it's full of garage sale items at the moment.  We're all set to have a joint sale with my mom and dad the last weekend in July.  Ugh.  HOT.  I will be dipping my feet in their pool during slow spots.

The yard maintenance is going okay.  We've been great about mowing the front, but the back is a week behind. :)  This weekend!  We also really want to redo our flower beds in the back, but it's SO hot, and we have Camille so it's not like we'd be able to do it except for during her naps (hottest parts of the day) or when she goes to bed (mosquito heaven).  So we'll probably wait until it cools down some and rip everything out while my sister watches Camille.  I'd almost rather just have grass in some of those spots than the flowers that are there.  There are some black-eyed-susans (maybe) that are hideous...they look like weeds.  What???  A banana plant randomly placed, a thorny thorny rose bush (bye bye), and some other weed looking plants.  It's time to rip them out!  Well, it will be time....when it's cooler....and we have a babysitter.

I'm extra bad about pictures lately.  I usually load them onto my desktop, and B and I are now sharing a monitor so I don't get on my desktop much.  I haven't been taking many pictures either.  I need to get some more of Camille before she grows up even more!

She's crawling all over the place (quickly), pulling up and standing on absolutely everything (shakily, which makes me a wreck), she's talking a lot more--lots of "wawamama" and "yeoowoooggoooo"'s.  It's so great.  She smiles so big when she sees me and B--it's just amazing.  The best feeling there is.  She's down to two naps a day regularly, but sometimes they are great naps!  This afternoon she slept for 3 hours!  I can't believe she's already almost 9 months.  It's only two weeks away.  I am shocked.

Okay--better hit the bed before I stay up way too late.  She's been getting up at 8 the past few mornings, but that could end any day!  :)

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