Monday, July 18, 2011

Little Things

Camille does some cute little things that I appreciate at times, then take for granted at other times.  I think staying home all day with her is nice, but I definitely don't appreciate our time together as much as I should.  I think going back to work will make me realize how great this has been.  Too bad it'll be too late then.  There's always next summer!

Here are some things I wish I could burn into my memory forever:

When she's drinking her bottle, she lays back and puts her right heel on her left knee--like an adult lounging.  Sometimes she'll stretch out her leg and wag it like a tail.  I love it!  So cute.

She looks at the DVD case for Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and for her Sesame Street kids' songs and laughs!  She laughs a ton at the picture of Tele Monster--it is so sweet.  She loves them.

She talks and puts her hands in the air and looks up--"yayayaaa" and pointing up, like she's saying she wants to get up there.  It is so sweet.

There's another one I'm forgetting....dang.  I'm so bad at remembering things.

Here's one thing I won't forget too soon:  3 leaky diapers this week!!   We woke up and had to wash the sheets two mornings back to back, and then she slept at her grandmother's and leaked there too.  Bleh--worst thing to wake up to.  Back to Pampers.


  1. These are precious!! And have you tried overnight diapers? Those have saved us a lot of sheet washings.

  2. Overnights a size bigger! Our boy always poops in the a.m... it's SO gross we actually bought diaper covers (for cloth) and put them over the pampers.. yeah, it's that bad.. but thsoe have saved us a lot of morning baths! love all of her stories.. so cute. pictures!

  3. I know--I'm doing a horrible job on pictures. I'm about to invest in a smart phone to make it easier to post pictures.

    Great idea using the diaper covers for max protection. We have overnight diapers now--big duh on that one Pam. Thanks ladies!
