Monday, July 25, 2011

SAHM Tribute!

If you stay at home full time with your kiddos full time: I salute thee!

You, oh SAHM's, have managed to dedicate yourself to your children in a very selfless way.  I'm going to go ahead and say that I am even more impressed with parents of small children that stay at home.

I mean, I am POOPED.  I am so ready to go back to work to get a break.  Isn't that awful?  Part of me feels guilty, but a lot of me is just so worn out that I am scraping to survive the last few weeks at home.  I'm trying to enjoy our time together, but man do I miss adult conversations, using my brain regularly, and getting out of this house.  I'm not saying that SAHM's don't do this--I'm saying that I'm not a good SAHM. I don't do it well.  I don't get out enough because I'm too lazy I suppose.

So, all of that to say how very impressed I am of anyone who stays at home with their child/children full time.  You are doing more work than most people who work out of home.

Another cute thing Camille does (and maybe I already wrote about it and don't remember...which is why I'm documenting everything I can think of.  My memory is AWFUL): She holds her bottle with her feet in the morning and plays like a little monkey.  Man, I love it.  She's all balled up on me each morning--so sweet.

When B gives her a bottle at night she pokes at his face with her one little finger--precious.  And she laughs the whole time.  So sweet.  She LOVES her Daddy.

When I'm feeding her at the table I say, "ahhhhh" to get her to open her mouth, but she just grins when I do it.  Now I'm just doing it to see that smile.

She's so sweet, and staying at home has been good because I've gotten to spend a lot of time playing with her and she wants her Mamma all of the time (which is sweet and tiring at the same time).  I'm just in need of a little vacation.

Weeks left until work?  Two.

I should be less excited to return, because as soon as it starts I'll miss Camille and will hate being at work.  Ahhh...moodiness?  Grass is greener syndrome?  Life in general?

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