Monday, August 15, 2011

Glucose Test

I went in today to do my glucose test (much earlier this time around because of my "healthy size"...cough, cough).

Only, I never got to do it.  I was running late because Camille slept until 7:40 (after waking up at 5:30 for some Daddy cuddle time--awwww).  Then, when I got there I was told they weren't expecting me.  That was interesting because I specifically asked my nurse if I needed to make an appointment and she said no.  Wrong.  You're supposed to.  However, they were great and were going to let me do it anyway.  She handed me a "sample" cup and I headed back.

Here's the problem.  You have to fast for these test--no food, no nothing--not even water!  So, I didn't have to go to the bathroom.  I mean, not at all.  I tried and tried and tried.  The lab even opened the little peephole window into the bathroom several times WHILE I was in there (it doesn't open all the way into the bathroom--whew).  Okay...not good, but maybe they don't have to have it to start?  I asked...and was told again that they weren't expecting me, but if I could "rush the urine" they could do it.  They had to have the sample though.  Oh...rush the problem.

I ended up tossing the cup and heading home.  How ridiculous is that?  First of all, the glucose test makes no sense to me (of course, I don't have a background in medicine or science).  Starve yourself and become dehydrated, then we're going to load you up on sugar.  This will tell us how your body normally responds to sugar throughout the day.........?  Really?  I don't normally go without water for that long, then chug sugary beverages.  Maybe I'm just bitter because I have to go back AGAIN next week and hope I don't get sick while getting blood taken three times and being high on pure sugar.  Also...I may need to drink about 5 times more water than I'm currently drinking.

Good news is:  baby's heartbeat is looking good!  We're at about 11 weeks, so hopefully I'll be feeling better before too long.


  1. OK...why are these stupid tests all so different???? Was this the 1 hour one? Because I was told all THREE TIMES I've ever had it to eat a normal breakfast before. The fasting was only for the 3 hour..which i have taken on two different occasions. Once because my little debbie snack cake breakfast doomed my 1hr test 6 years ago. And the next time was when I was getting diagnosed with PCOS.
    Anyway, no it is a stupid test. Load up on protein the day before. Have your stinking water the morning of. And don't worry about it. :)

  2. I know, right? It wasn't the 3 was my first one for this baby. I have no idea what changed, but it was different from last time (which wasn't that long ago). I had to drink twice as much stuff too, so it was way worse this time. I managed to not get sick, but I don't know the results yet. I think I had to fast the last time I did it too though.

  3. hope you passed! My MW told me the next day at my appt that I passed.

    yeah..and that's a weird test. Not to rub in it, but I'm so glad I chose ochsner ;)
