Saturday, August 6, 2011

Oh that's what it was like...

So, last time I was pregnant, I didn't get to blog about my 1st trimester because I just hadn't started blogging at that point.  Well, this time around I am documenting it (in secret for now) so that I can remember incase we do this again.  :)

First of all: Coffee is the firs thing to go.  Sure, caffeine isn't good for babies, but that's not really why it has to go.  The smell, the heat of it, and the way it kind of dehydrates me makes me sick to think about it--much less drink it.  That was an easy one to give up.  Cokes too for now--can't even fathom drinking them.

Also, I'm moooooody.  I am a grumpy girl a lot of times.  Poor Brian.

I am SO tired.  I'm talking: two naps a day.  I am worn out.  It makes me scared of having two kids at once (both under 2!) because I'm afraid I'll be too tired to keep up.  I know I won't be this tired all the time, but the first three months will be interesting.  I remember being so tempted to use formula in the first three months just so I could sleep through the night once or twice rather than getting up every three hours to nurse.  I hope I can stay strong this time around!  The plan is to be able to nurse for a whole 6-7 months since I won't be working for that whole time.  Then I can pump for the remaining time--as long as the supply will stay up.  I really want to make it to a year.  I just hate formula--if we can make it to a year and go straight to milk I'd be super excited!

This time around I am feeling sick constantly too.  I remember feeling gross last time, but only really when I was too hungry or ate too much.  Now I'm sick all day--mornings and evenings especially.  It makes it hard to eat, and REALLY hard to eat healthy foods.  When I figure out something I can stomach eating--that is what I MUST eat.  I can't picture eating anything else without wanting to be sick. Sometimes that thing I get in my head is a burger or pizza or fries or ice cream.  :/  Once it was a salad.  My biggest problem is that in the mornings I feel awful and all I want is cereal.  CEREAL!  We are supposed to be on a primal diet right now, so I am really messing that up with my bready cravings.

Poor Camille--her little diapers are enough to make me run away crying.  Whewwww.  I make it though.  She's so sweet--I try to focus on her little sounds and sweet face instead of the grossness and I can change a diaper super fast.  Well, I can at least get rid of the dirty one super fast.

So, that's how early pregnancy is going so far.  It is MUCH harder with a little one around since you can't just nap when you want and go to the store to get what you are craving all of the time.  I'm sure that's good though--keeping me healthier than I would be.  The great thing is that she plays so well and is so easy to entertain and keep happy.  She's been talking a lot and is scooting all over the house and is pulling up and loves standing.  She's just an easy going baby.  Whew.  Thank goodness.  Time to go feed that happy girl.


  1. Don't sweat the two under two! I used to worry about it when I was pregnant with Audrey, but it all works itself out--you just do it because you HAVE to and you somehow just find the strength within yourself that you didn't even know you had! It gets crazy sometimes, but I think you'd have that with any age combination! You can do it! And you are just going to love watching Camille be the big sis!

  2. I can't fathom 2 under 2! How far along are you?? Congratulations!!!!!!!!

  3. Thanks Kelly! I know it'll be nuts, but we're excited. I'm already 11 weeks, so we're rolling!
